

Python scripting in Rhinocerous, Felt dots


metaLAB as part of openlab_02.


Kathi Bahr

Related projects

3471 dots

For this installation, thousands of 3-inch diameter dots were hand sewn together to form a five foot by ten foot topographical floor covering designed using Python scripting in the computer modeling program Rhinoceros. For the party celebrating the opening of the month-long installation, I wrote an interactive program that allowed gallery visitors to create unique virtual sculptures of their own by inputting words on a computer. Rhinoceros used these words to build the virtual model, which was projected on a nearby wall.

The text for the sculpture itself, "DIGITAL HUMANITIES BETWEEN", was inspired by conversations with members of metaLAB about their research. Derived from the topography of a swelling surface, the form expresses the concept of deformation as a way of magnifying the encoded information; the dot font is present throughout the mat, however the text can only be read where the dots are aggregated vertically.

This installation was made possible through a generous donation of 10mm thick felt circles from FilzFelt, a Boston-based company, founded by designers Kelly Smith and Traci Roloff, that imports and distributes 100% wool German design felt.






Python scripting in Rhinocerous, Felt dots


metaLAB as part of openlab_02.


Kathi Bahr

Related projects

3471 dots

For this installation, thousands of 3-inch diameter dots were hand sewn together to form a five foot by ten foot topographical floor covering designed using Python scripting in the computer modeling program Rhinoceros. For the party celebrating the opening of the month-long installation, I wrote an interactive program that allowed gallery visitors to create unique virtual sculptures of their own by inputting words on a computer. Rhinoceros used these words to build the virtual model, which was projected on a nearby wall.

The text for the sculpture itself, "DIGITAL HUMANITIES BETWEEN", was inspired by conversations with members of metaLAB about their research. Derived from the topography of a swelling surface, the form expresses the concept of deformation as a way of magnifying the encoded information; the dot font is present throughout the mat, however the text can only be read where the dots are aggregated vertically.

This installation was made possible through a generous donation of 10mm thick felt circles from FilzFelt, a Boston-based company, founded by designers Kelly Smith and Traci Roloff, that imports and distributes 100% wool German design felt.