
Materials and Methods

Sewn felt


Mass Art for the dParty

Related projects


In this installation, shown originally at Mass Art for the dParty (the launch event for Common Boston week) thousands of 3-inch diameter dots are hand sewn together to form a five foot by ten foot topographical floor covering designed using Python scripting in the computer modeling program Rhinoceros.

This installation was made possible through a generous donation of 10mm thick felt circles fromFilzFelt, a Boston-based company, founded by designers Kelly Smith and Traci Roloff, that imports and distributes 100% wool German design felt.

The concept was inspired by both the main installation at the dParty, a topographical book display by Mary Hale, and the phrase "Live and Learn", the theme of Common Boston week 2011. The topography of "3471 Dots" represents a square section of a page of the MCAS 2010 written exam - removed from its context, the text is meaningless.

3471 dots




Materials and Methods

Sewn felt


Mass Art for the dParty

Related projects


In this installation, shown originally at Mass Art for the dParty (the launch event for Common Boston week) thousands of 3-inch diameter dots are hand sewn together to form a five foot by ten foot topographical floor covering designed using Python scripting in the computer modeling program Rhinoceros.

This installation was made possible through a generous donation of 10mm thick felt circles fromFilzFelt, a Boston-based company, founded by designers Kelly Smith and Traci Roloff, that imports and distributes 100% wool German design felt.

The concept was inspired by both the main installation at the dParty, a topographical book display by Mary Hale, and the phrase "Live and Learn", the theme of Common Boston week 2011. The topography of "3471 Dots" represents a square section of a page of the MCAS 2010 written exam - removed from its context, the text is meaningless.